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October 8, 2024Employee stock options remain a potentially valuable asset for employees who receive them. For example, many Silicon Valley millionaires got rich (or semi-rich) from exercising stock options when they worked for start-up companies or fast-growing enterprises.
We’ll explain what you need to know about the federal income and employment tax rules for employer-issued nonqualified stock options (NQSOs).
Tax planning objectives
You’ll eventually sell shares you acquire by exercising an NQSO, hopefully for a healthy profit. When you do, your tax planning objectives will be to:
- Have most or all of that profit taxed at lower long-term capital gain rates.
- Postpone paying taxes for as long as possible.
Tax results when acquiring and selling shares
NQSOs aren’t subject to any tax-law restrictions, but they also confer no special tax advantages. That said, you can get positive tax results with advance planning.
When you exercise an NQSO, the bargain element (difference between market value and exercise price) is treated as ordinary compensation income — the same as a bonus payment. That bargain element will be reported as additional taxable compensation income on Form W-2 for the year of exercise, which you get from your employer.
Your tax basis in NQSO shares equals the market price on the exercise date. Any subsequent appreciation is capital gain taxed when you sell the shares. You have a capital loss if you sell shares for less than the market price on the exercise date.
Let’s look at an example
On December 1, 2023, you were granted an NQSO to buy 2,000 shares of company stock at $25 per share. On April 1, 2024, you exercised the option when the stock was trading at $34 per share. On May 15, 2025, the shares are trading at $52 per share, and you cash in. Assume you paid 2024 federal income tax on the $18,000 bargain element (2,000 shares × $9 bargain element) at the 24% rate for a tax of $4,320 (24% × $18,000).
Your per-share tax basis in the option stock is $34, and your holding period began on April 2, 2024. When you sell on May 15, 2025, for $52 per share, you trigger a $36,000 taxable gain (2,000 shares × $18 per-share difference between the $52 sale price and $34 basis). Assume the tax on your long-term capital gain is $5,400 (15% × $36,000).
You net an after-tax profit of $44,280 when all is said and done. Here’s the calculation: Sales proceeds of $104,000 (2,000 shares × $52) minus exercise price of $50,000 (2,000 shares × $25) minus $5,400 capital gains tax on the sale of the option shares minus $4,320 tax upon exercise.
Since the bargain element is treated as ordinary compensation income, the income is subject to federal income tax, Social Security and Medicare tax withholding.
Key point: To keep things simple, the example above assumes you don’t owe the 3.8% net investment income tax on your stock sale gain or any state income tax.
Conventional wisdom and risk-free strategies
If you had exercised earlier in 2024 when the stock was worth less than $34 per share, you could have cut your 2024 tax bill and increased the amount taxed later at the lower long-term capital gain rates. That’s the conventional wisdom strategy for NQSOs.
The risk-free strategy for NQSOs is to hold them until the earlier of 1) the date you want to sell the underlying shares for a profit or 2) the date the options will expire. If the latter date applies and the options are in-the-money on the expiration date, you can exercise and immediately sell. This won’t minimize the tax, but it eliminates any economic risk. If your options are underwater, you can simply allow them to expire with no harm done.
Maximize your profit
NQSOs can be a valuable perk, and you may be able to benefit from lower long-term capital gain tax rates on part (maybe a big part) of your profit. If you have questions or want more information about NQSOs, consult with us.
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